Hani Rashid
Thursday, March 19, 2009 / 7 PM / Joslyn Art Museum Witherspoon Concert Hall
Asymptote's approach to utilizing digital tools and technologies, contemporary theory, innovative building practices and advancements in engineering solutions and environmental sustainability have afforded the practice a broad and powerful perspective on all aspects related to architectural building design and city planning.
EWR > OMA: ARCHITECT Principal of Asymptote Architecture, the award-winning, New York-based practice that he co-founded with Lise Anne Couture in 1989. Since Asymptote’s founding, the firm has been at the forefront of technological innovation in the field of architecture and design and garnered praise for visionary building designs, master plans, digital environments, installation art and exhibition and product design. In 2004, Rashid and Couture were presented with the Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and the Arts in recognition of exceptional contributions to the progress and merging of art and architecture.